Litter Sniffer
Cat owners can place this WiFi-connected, gas-sensing device near the litter box to detect unpleasant odors before their noses do. When stink levels pass a threshold determined by the owner, the Litter Sniffer’s eyes light up, and a notification is sent to tell the owner that it’s time to change the litter.
Check the Litter Sniffer widget in the Harmony Home app to keep tabs on stink levels at home—and to activate notifications that eliminate confusion over whose turn it is to change out the litter.
drafting sketches done prior to modeling
an earlier, clasp-testing prototype
testing "eye" sizes for the best friction fit, laser-cut from acrylic
soldering internal circuitry
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To find out more about how the Litter Sniffer was made and works (and how to make your own), check out the tutorial I made here on Instructables.